Artificial generation of upstream maritime heavy rains to govern intense-rain-induced disasters over land
This project, “Artificial generation of upstream maritime heavy rains to govern intense-rain-induced disasters over land”, has been selected as one of the projects of Moonshot Goal 8 “Realization of a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050.
Summary of the project
This project aims to develop a weather control technology that mitigates heavy-rainfall-induced economic damages by artificially generating heavy rain over the upstream ocean. Given the limitations of directly altering the atmosphere, we explore a weather control method for intentional generation of heavy rains with optimization of manipulations. We will also promote social science research on legal issues and environmental risk assessments in order to accelerate the practical application of our results. By 2050, we aim to establish a weather control technology that society can accept.

Structure of the project
To address 5 research tasks, we have set 10 items and proceeded the project.