Moonshot Research and Development



Conference Presentation and Outreach

  • Kotsuki,S.: Exploring weather control technology to steer the atmosphere towards favorable directions, 9th International Symposium on Data Assimilation, Oct.16-20, 2023.
  • Kotsuki, S.: Quantifying Weather Controllability and Mitigatable Flood Damage Based on Ensemble Weather Forecast, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) 2023, Aug.23, 2023.
  • Kotsuki, S.: Quantifying weather controllability and avoidable damage by the weather control, Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction, Special Symposium "Changes in the environment surrounding natural disasters", Oct.22, 2022.
  • Kotsuki, S.: A World Beyond Predictions, Lecture for comprehensive cooperation between Chiba Univ and Ricoh Co. Ltd., Oct.5, 2022.


    • Kawasaki, F. and Kotsuki, S.: Leading the Lorenz 63 system toward the prescribed regime by model predictive control coupled with data assimilation, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 31(3), 319–333, Jul. 2024.
    • Oettli, P. and Kotsuki, S.: An Objective Detection of Separation Scenario in Tropical Cyclone Trajectories Based on Ensemble Weather Forecast Data. J. Geophys. Res., (in press), 2024.
    • Kotsuki, S. and Kawasaki, F.: Leading the Lorenz-63 system toward the prescribed regime by model predictive control coupled with data assimilation, Nonlin, Processes Geophys., (in press), 2024.
    • Kotsuki, S., Kawasaki, F., and Ohashi, M.: Quantum Data Assimilation: A New Approach to Solve Data Assimilation on Quantum Annealers, Nonlin, Processes Geophy. Lett., (in press), 2024.
    • Aizawa, J., Ogura, M., Shimono, M., Wakamiya, N.: Temporal deep unfolding-based MPC for controlling firing patterns of neuronal network, in 2023 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, , 2023.
    • Ogura, M. and Wakamiya, N.: Reduced-order model predictive control of a fish schooling model, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 49, 101342, Aug. 2023.
    • Ouyang, M., Tokuda, K., Kotsuki, S.: Reducing manipulations in control simulation experiment based on instability vectors with Lorenz-63 model, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 30(2), 183-193, 2023.
    • Li, A., Ogura, M. and Wakamiya, N.: Proposal of a bearing-only shepherding algorithm with limited sensing capabilities, AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023, GS34-1, Jun. 2023.
    • Ogura, M. and Martin, C. F.: Mean Escape Time of Switched Riccati Differential Equations, Journal of the Franklin Institute 360, 6827–6845, 2023.
    • Matsuki, A., Kori, H., and Kobayashi, R.: An extended Hilbert transform method for reconstructing the phase from an oscillatory signal, scientific reports 13, 3535, Mar. 2023.